Stabilization of Filtered Tailings Dry Stacking with Cemented Tailings Berms: A Parametric and Limit Equilibrium Analysis


  • B.R.C. de Meneses Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
  • S.Rios CONSTRUCT-GEO, Dep. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • A Viana da Fonseca CONSTRUCT-GEO, Dep. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


“cemented tailings”, “filtered tailings”, “limit equilibrium analysis”, “parametric analysis”, “tailings management”


This work addresses the urgent need for secure and sustainable tailings management, after several
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) failures. This research proposes a stabilization solution for iron ore filtered tailings
dry stacking using cemented tailings berms. Despite being a safer alternative to dam deposition, dry-stacked
tailings face several vulnerabilities, especially during heavy rainfall or with inadequate drainage systems. For that
purpose, limit equilibrium analysis using the Plaxis LE geotechnical software were performed to evaluate the effect
of berm width and strength of cemented material, on the stability of these slopes. This process pinpointed the
required berm width for a specified dry stacking height and width of cemented tailings, even considering the
potential for increased saturation under unfavorable conditions. The conducted analyses aimed to perform a
parametric evaluation of the cemented tailings parameters necessary to enhance the structure's stability. The results
emphasize the efficacy of the benefits of the computational method in improving the stability and safety of TSFs.






M17 Computational Geotechnics