Nonlinear dynamic analysis of non-ideal motor foundations


  • Henrique Z. D. S. Vieira
  • Carlos E. N. Mazzilli


Attractors, Self-synchronization, Basins of attraction, Non-linear vibrations, Non-ideal motors


This paper addresses the electromechanical coupled response of interconnected foundations of non-
ideal motors, identifying the relevant parameters for the phenomenon of machine synchronization. DC electric motors are considered in the model, using a linear approximation of the characteristic curve (angular velocity x
torque), delineating the electromechanical coupling. To obtain the 2D projections of the basins of attractions of
stable solutions, the (ψ2 − ψ1) x (ψ′2 − ψ′1) plane was chosen at different voltages. These planes were divided
into several square cells and, for each one of them being obtained the self-synchronization attractor. To obtain the
projections of the basins of attraction, the electrical voltage was kept constant over time.
It was identified that synchronizations occur for unbalanced rotors angle differences of zero or π radians. It
was observed that there is a gradual change of attractors between dimensionless voltages 0.66 and 0.74 (6.70 V and 7.50 V), in addition to another change of attractors between dimensionless voltages 1.25 and 1.39 (12.7 V and 14.5 V).






M28 Nonlinear Analysis, Stability and Structural Dynamics