Numerical Modeling of the 1-D Two-Phase Flow in Pipelines by Using the Two-Fluid Model and a Very High Order (VHO) Flux Reconstruction (FR) Scheme


  • Anderson V. do Nascimento
  • Darlan K. E. de Carvalho
  • Giselle M. L. L. da Silva
  • Paulo R. M. Lyra
  • Alessandro R. E. Antunes


1-D Fluid Flow in Pipelines, Four-Equation Single-Pressure Two-Fluid Model, SIMPLE algorithm, Flux reconstruction (FR), Finite Volume Method


Flow models for 1-D two-phase flows in pipelines are commonly implemented using first-order
schemes. Despite being simple and robust, these schemes introduce a large amount of numerical diffusion due to
low order truncation errors, causing a high loss of accuracy. In the present work, for the first time in literature, we
propose the use of the very high-order (VHO) flux-reconstruction (FR) method to improve the accuracy and
efficiency of one-dimensional two-phase flow simulations in pipelines. The FR is implemented to solve the mass
and momentum conservation equations of the isentropic four-equation single-pressure two-fluid model. The
pressure correction equation is obtained through the mass conservation and a semi-implicit pressure-based method
SIMPLE-like is used to perform the coupling. The pressure equation is solved through the Two-Point Flux
Approximation (TPFA) finite volume technique. To test and numerically validate our formulation, we present two
benchmark problems. For the problems we have solved, our results are very promising.






M30 Computational Thermal Sciences