Database with information on the electric grid of the national interconnected system for application in short term operation planning in Brazil


  • Daniel G. C. Almeida
  • Patrícia T. L. Asano
  • Rodrigo A. Moraes
  • Lucas V. L. Major


Database, Electric Planning, National Interconnected System, Power Flow


In Brazil, the operation planning of the hydro-thermal-wind power system and subsequent power
dispatch is carried out by the National Electric System Operator (ONS) using a hierarchical chain of software
tools, which includes medium, short, and very short-term time horizon models. Currently, only the latest software
in the chain provides a more detailed representation of data regarding the transmission lines of the National
Interconnected System (SIN). However, studies indicate that a more detailed consideration of the electrical grid in
medium or short-term horizons can bring the operation closer to planning. Therefore, the Laboratory of
Technologies and Bioinspired Solutions of the Federal University of ABC of the Federal University of ABC
(LabBITS) seeks to implement the transmission system data of SIN, available through the Expansion and
Reinforcement Plan (PAR). Consequently, the objective of this work is to identify and process the PAR
information using JAVA programming, registering and managing the database with MySQL, so that this data can
be intuitively utilized to support the development of modules for the studies of the Brazilian electrical system
operation within a bioinspired computational platform called Energ.IA.






M31 Data Processing and Analysis