Certification and characterization of technical production registered on the Lattes Platform


  • Raulivan Rodrigo da Silva
  • Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias
  • Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo


patent, Lattes Platform, certification, indicators.


The Lattes Platform is a valuable source of information, however, due to the large volume of data and
filling in the information being the responsibility of the individual, it may eventually cause inconsistencies in the
entered data, which emphasizes the need for validation mechanisms. Methodology: The methodological process
was divided into two parts, in which the first is characterized by the collection and construction of the local
database with data from patents filed in Brazil and curricula from the Lattes Platform, and the second part is the
description of the patent certification process informed in the CVs of the Lattes Platform. Results: A local database
was built, consisting of 903,979 patent records from Espacenet and 76,619 patent records distributed in 28,581
CVs collected on the Lattes Platform, organized in a relational database. It was possible to certify approximately
58% of the patents reported on the Lattes Platform. Conclusion: About 1% of the CVs on the Lattes Platform
contain information on patents, a base composed of more than 7 million CVs (2022). Of this amount, not all could
be validated and certified on Espacenet due to inconsistency in the recorded data, highlighting the need for
validation and certification mechanisms for patent data.






M31 Data Processing and Analysis