Lateral dynamic identification of a hatchback vehicle


  • Rafael Rodrigues da Silva
  • Reurison Silva Rodrigues
  • Andre Murilo
  • Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala
  • Evandro Leonardo Silva Teixeira


System Identification, Vehicle Dynamics, Data Driven


Vehicle dynamics identification plays a critical role in understanding and modeling the complex behavior of

vehicles during maneuvers and it is fundamental to the design of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) once a mathe-
matical vehicle model needs to be embedded into the brake ECU to calculate the desired yaw rate. This calculated

value is subsequently compared to the measured yaw rate to define ESC actuation during the maneuver. This
paper discusses linear methods for vehicle dynamics system identification, encompassing both model-based and
data-driven approaches. Model-based methods rely on physical principles and mathematical models to describe the
dynamics, while data-driven methods leverage experimental data to identify system parameters and behaviors. The
focus of this study is the identification of a 2-DOF (Degree-of-Freedom) vehicle model based on real data acquired
from a hatchback vehicle. The hatchback vehicle was instrumented and several maneuvers were performed on a
test track to generate data for identification purposes. Furthermore, different speeds of the vehicle were considered
for the identification, followed by a comparison between all the identified models.






M38 Advance in Modelling and Simulation of Automotive Systems