Study of the importance of mesh refinement in the IMERSPEC methodology


  • Thiago Rogaleski Marques
  • Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento


Computational Fluid Dynamics, Pseudospectral Fourier Method, Drag, Lift, IMERSPEC


The development of new computational methodologies (Computational Fluid Dynamics) aiming for
higher accuracy and lower computational cost is something that aids technological advancement, allowing for
investigation and understanding of physical phenomena with low cost and precision. This study investigates the
importance and necessity of correctly utilizing mesh refinement for modeling immersed bodies. For this purpose,
the pseudospectral Fourier method coupled with the Immersed Boundary method (IMERSPEC metodology) was
employed to model the flow over a pair of spaced and side-by-side cylinders. The mathematical methodology was
based on mass conservation and the Navier-Stokes equations for a Reynolds number of 100. The results, addressing
drag coefficient, lift, and vortex patterns, are analyzed and discussed for three different mesh refinement numbers:
256x128, 512x256, and 1024x512. This study concludes which mesh refinement number yields the lowest error
when compared to the reference. The authors would like to thank FURNAS Centrais Eletricas and the “Programa ́
de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnologico” (P& D) of the ANEEL for the financial support. ́






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