Stability and Performance Analysis of Active Topological Non-hermitian Metastructures


  • Danilo Braghini School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas
  • Juan F. Camino School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas
  • Jose R.F. Arruda School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas


non-Hermitian systems, topological modes, skin effect, stability analysis, metamaterials


Metamaterials can be divided into passive and active types, with the latter incorporating programmable devices in their design. While active metamaterials promise resilience against manufacturing inconsistencies and defects, a notable gap exists in the current literature regarding metastructure stability and performance. Historically, the phenomena linked to non-Hermitian systems were investigated in quantum mechanics, but recent breakthroughs have translated them into classical mechanics. This research investigates the stability of active metamaterials through numerical simulations of a one-dimensional structure, wherein each unit cell showcases periodic feedback interactions. Stability limits for different feedback laws are determined. Central to this investigation is the relationship between closed-loop stability and directional propagation driven by the topological skin effect. This analysis entails exploring how distinct control law strategies affect stability and performance.






M19 Modelling, Design and Additive Manufacturing on Vibro-Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals