Edição Atual

v. 5 n. 05 (2023): CILAMCE 2023
Publicado: 2024-05-11

M1 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamics, Stability and Control of Aerospace Structures

M2 Advanced Analysis of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Structures

M4 Advanced Discretization Techniques for the Simulation of Fluid Flow in Porous Media

M5 Particle-based methods: advances and applications in DEM, PFEM, SPH, MPM, MPS and others

M6 Analysis and Design of Offshore Systems

M7 Health Monitoring and Numerical Modeling of Structures

M9 Boundary Element and Mesh-Reduced Methods

M10 Computational Intelligence Techniques for Optimization and Data Modeling

M11 Numerical Methods Applied to Structural Design of Civil Construction

M13 Engineering Design Optimization

M14 Developments and Applications of Special Enrichment Methods and Innovative Discretization Techniques - Meshfree, Pou Methods and GFEM/XFEM, Isogeometric Analysis

M16 Structural Reliability Methods and Design Optimization Under Uncertainties

M17 Computational Geotechnics

M18 Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Materials, Fluids and Structures

M19 Modelling, Design and Additive Manufacturing on Vibro-Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals

M20 Scientific Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification

M21 Advanced discretization techniques in computational mechanics and biomechanics

M23 Advances in Mechanical Modeling of Composite Materials and Metamaterials

M24 Numerical Methods Applied in Computational Mechanics

M25 Advances in Solid and Structural Mechanics

M26 Numerical and Experimental Approaches Applied to Railway Infrastructure

M27 Machine and Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Computational Mechanics

M28 Nonlinear Analysis, Stability and Structural Dynamics

M29 Continuum damage and cyclic plasticity in fatigue life estimate

M30 Computational Thermal Sciences

M31 Data Processing and Analysis

M33 Computational Modeling of Flow in Porous Media

M34 Numerical Methods in Tribology

M36 Numerical Modeling of Frictional Contact, Wear, Damage and Plasticity

M38 Advance in Modelling and Simulation of Automotive Systems

M40 Research Beginners

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